Don't get lost in the noise

Not everything in the mind is created from a source viewpoint. There are lots of impressions flowing in from the world. There are other people's beliefs, thoughts, imaginings, more thoughts, communications, little trophies of flattery, and the scars of insults. The mind is a busy place.
It is only during those moments when you operate from a source view that you can say that you are living deliberately.
And in those moments, you have the decision-power to shape and create a life.

When the source view is not awake, the mind will behave in habitual ways and respond automatically to outside influences, whether they be for good or bad, for your benefit, or for your ruin.
Some outside influences are not obvious: peer pressure, television, broadcast news, commercials, advertisements, books, video games, signage, etc.
A lot of people get lost in the noise.
Over time, external distractions become so real that people forget they can steer their own thoughts. Their minds bounce around like ping-pong balls in a lotto machine — a few are winners, but most just continue to bounce.

Listen or watch the talk Source Beingness

Try this exercise!
Learn to steer your own thoughts
1. Pick a frequent worry and outline the sequence of thoughts that lead up to that worry.
2.Deliberately think the thoughts in sequence until the worry fades.
Time: 5+ Minutes
Expected Results: Recovered energy
from Ten Actions You Can Do Today to Start Taking Back Your Life or find the expanded version in the Avatar® mini-course Determination: Basic Will
Simple. Straightforward. Effective

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