And now some resources from Harry Palmer, author of the Avatar Materials
Move the dial

Consciousness is a dial, not a switch.
Life is so incredibly rich with stimulus and phenomena that we need to generalize this richness to a manageable level. Usually we think of consciousness as a tool that allows us to become brighter, and more discerning, but it is also a tool for dumbing-us-down.

Life is so beautifully complex that unless we dumb ourselves down, we are just overwhelmed by the experience.
Every moment is different in some way from every other moment.
Every leaf, every snowflake, every grain of sand in the universe is unique.
Every breath you take is different in some way from the breath before it.
Every second that you experience is different in a million ways from the second that preceded it.
This moment is different from every other moment in your life. When people become aware of this, everything stops, and you begin hearing responses like "awesome, unbelievable, wow."

from The Avatar Path: The Way We Came

Experience it Expand your consciousness and connect with awareness. Try this short exercise guided by Harry Palmer. | ![]() |

"At my course, I had fireworks of realizations, coming one after another, and I finally found the misalignment in me! I am very grateful. It is a gift and I feel the time and money spent is well earned back!"
- E. S., Switzerland
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Derek Stottlemyer - Your Avatar Guide
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