Is it Right Conduct?

Harry Palmer, author of the Avatar MaterialsOpen Quote

The most important contribution you make to an Enlightened Planetary Civilization® is the example you set by how you live your own life. Be a role model.

Be a role model

Right Conduct • What is offered here are generalized observations:

  • Right conduct is satisfying your basic needs in a deliberate way that does not lead to future condemnation or regret. (The Buddhist would say no karma is incurred.)
  • Right conduct does not threaten anyone else's basic needs (present or future).
  • Right conduct communicates a recognition and respect for the other.
  • Right conduct is a gift of opportunity to others.

My advice is act toward others as you would have others act toward you.

That is the Confucius Golden Rule.

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An Avatar® Experience

One Avatar Student's Story"I have just started my journey as an Avatar. This year has been full of changes and confusion for me. The exploration on this course turned out to be exactly what I needed! I began to find the powerful Source within me. The feelings of suffering fell away, and I was filled with confidence and joy. Each day brought new discoveries. With this profound change, I finally feel the joy of becoming myself. I am grateful for everything." 

- Eunji C., Avatar graduate


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The Avatar Course Self-Evolvement Spiritual Path

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