Let's get going

Live deliberately is an urging not to let the physical universe or other people dictate the design of your private universe. Wake up!
As a step toward living deliberately, you should decide on your life goals.
Granted, these may change as you progress up the line, but the experience gained from setting and pursuing the goal is the real prize.
Picking a goal is not an arbitrary thing. It is not done by the flip of a coin or by an opportunistic turn of events. It is not done to please another person.
Setting a Right-For-You Goal (RFY goal) is done by using your best reasoning liberally seasoned with your intuition. It is reasonable, because you sincerely feel you can achieve it. It is intuitive, because it feels right. An RFY goal excites you when you think about it. It empowers you. It brings you to life. It sizzles! It provides you with the creative energy for its own attainment plus a little extra.

from ReSurfacing: Techniques for Exploring Consciousness

Create exciting goals
Use this step-by-step process to help you discover Right-for-You goals.
from ReSurfacing: Techniques for Exploring Consciousness

Upcoming Activities
Movie Night "Don't Sell Yourself Short" This is the first Movie Night of 2024 and the last one before our first big course in 4 years. It's an exciting time and this is an amazing talk about definitions and the nature of creating. Everyone is welcome - especially if you are curious about clarity and having a clear space to create from. |

Ready for the Adventure of a Lifetime?

Where did Avatar come from?
An educator, Harry Palmer, created Avatar in 1986. He wanted to present a training program that people would find valuable. “Our intention,” he states in his ReSurfacing textbook, “is that the people we train and license to deliver The Avatar Course charge money (not worship nor homage nor admiration...) for their valuable service, and that they charge enough that Avatar continues to expand…” For 40 years the visionary ideas behind the Avatar Materials incubated in the mind of Harry Palmer. Like many of us, Harry had occasional glimpses into the patterns that creation seemed to follow, but for him a glimpse wasn’t enough. In 1976, Harry resigned his tenured teaching position and began what was to become a decade of study and investigation into how consciousness works. Today, few who fair-mindedly study Harry Palmer’s techniques can doubt the profound effect that his writings are having on the collective consciousness of the world. Harry’s writings have been translated into more than 20 languages, and his business model has had a major impact on the personal-development seminar industry. |

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Learn to Live Deliberately
Derek Stottlemyer - Your Avatar Guide
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