When the past has power over you

Harry Palmer, author of the Avatar MaterialsOpen Quote

Psyche scarring from horrible events can leave you with fixed considerations that interfere with your evaluation of present time events.

How do you remove the influences of the past on your present-time consciousness? Is it possible to re-evaluate the considerations that arise from your memories? Experienced explorers of consciousness agree, "Yes you can!"

The injuries and humiliations that you suffered in the past are over and gone. Time and circumstance have changed and so can you. Here is one of those "secrets of the ages" that Avatar® students keep discovering: How much you let the past affect you is under your control.

Break free from the past with the Avatar Techniques

"Now wait a minute, Harry," you say. "Some of the things that happened to me were horrible events."


"No one should have to experience them."


"The reason I still consider them (consciously or unconsciously) in my evaluation of current events is to keep the horrible event from happening again."

Not always true.

In fact, your fixed considerations actually set you up with expectations of the horrible event reoccurring.

Expectations can shape how you experience reality.

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from The Avatar Path: The Way We Came

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Practice your ability to change

Try the "This and That" Avatar technique


Try this guided exercise!

Objective: To demonstrate the effect of changing viewpoints.

Expected Results: Insights, increase in responsibility.


one of 30 exercises in ReSurfacing®: Techniques for Exploring Consciousness

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Simple. Straightforward. Effective

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Self-Evolvement with Smiles...
On Zoom or in-person - students say they've never felt as supported as they feel on the Avatar Course.
Avatar® , Love Precious Humanity® , Enlightened Planetary Civilization® and ReSurfacing® are registered trademarks of Star's Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.
Topic Keywords
The Avatar Course Self-Evolvement Spiritual Path

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