It's a skill

Harry Palmer, author of the Avatar MaterialsOpen Quote

A lot of people are hoping that someone will reveal the secret of secrets, the good stuff, and they will go, "Ahh, so that's it!" And then they will be happy and wise for the rest of their lives. Maybe that's how it is in some universe, everyone is just one secret away from happiness and wisdom. That would be nice. Someone reveals the secret, says the good stuff, and overnight an Enlightened Planetary Civilization® arises. I would gladly accept that if it happens. But I was not going to stop and wait for it.

My approach was that if enough people acquired the skill to manage their own minds, the world would change...

Words don't shape lives, experiences do.

Taste life

To avoid depression and poor results, self-improvement lessons need to be conveyed experientially rather than intellectually. They need to be understood in the context of your life rather than in the context of a belief system.

They need to be taught as skills rather than as revealed secrets.

It is unlikely that you will change your life simply by reading or listening.

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from the Avatar Legacy


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Build your mind skills

Take a walk, notice something, and decide how you would describe it.

Go as long as you need to get the expected result!

Take a walk, notice something, and decide how you would describe it.

Time: 10+ minutes

Expected Result: Calming, increase in energy

from Ten Actions You Can Do Today to Start Taking Back Your Life

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Simple. Straightforward. Effective

Connect with an Avatar Master



Self-Evolvement with Smiles...
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Avatar® , Love Precious Humanity® , Enlightened Planetary Civilization® and ReSurfacing® are registered trademarks of Star's Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.
Topic Keywords
The Avatar Course Self-Evolvement Spiritual Path

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