Making the best of tough times 

Harry Palmer, author of the Avatar MaterialsOpen Quote

Attitude is like a forward-leaning belief. It determines what you are going to make of what happens next. So I decided, Whatever happens next, I'm going to make the best of it.

I noticed that if you make the best of what happens, it passes and does not haunt you for the rest of eternity. You stay present.

Make the best of what happens

Work as hard as you can, chances are good that you will succeed. But if you do not, or if something unexpected comes up, make the best of it anyway. Keep your head. Experience your way through tough times. You are going to come out better for having survived the lesson. You are going to have more compassion for others when they are visited by suffering. You are going to learn to stand straight when trouble threatens. You are going to have more appreciation for the things that you take for granted. That is making the best of tough times.

Making the best awakens you to a self-confidence that is more valuable and enduring than anything you could lose.

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Watch the entire talk Make the Best of What Happens Next

Line breakClose the door on the past, and your forward-leaning belief will shape your life. Harry Palmer

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Remind yourself of Gratitude

Remind yourself

Climb one or more flights of stairs and before each step, whisper something you are grateful for.

Time: 30+ minutes

Expected Result: Sense of grace

from 10 Actions You Can Do Today to Start Taking Back Your LIfe

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The ReSurfacing Workshop

What is it about?

ReSurfacing, Section 1 of the Avatar Course, invites connection with a more expanded awareness of how your beliefs are affecting your life. The most important lessons you can learn are already contained in your own consciousness.

How does it go?

When doing ReSurfacing online, you'll be joining a small, comfortable group with other students and Avatar Masters. You give yourself this time, uninterrupted, to engage in the experience. You'll be working through the 30 exercises in the ReSurfacing book. In person, it's a 2-day workshop. Online, it is 3 half-days.

What are the exercises like?

  • Some involve group discussion Some are solo
  • Some are 1-on-1 with a Master
  • Some are written down
  • Some are walking around outdoors or indoors
  • All are personally guided to make sure you get the most out of each experience

How do I get started?

Reach out by phone, text or email and we can schedule a call or zoom to hear about your goals and answer your questions, and see what your next steps might be.

You can also learn more about the teaching team (Avatar Masters) and the approach here.

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Simple. Straightforward. Effective

Connect with an Avatar Master


Self-Evolvement with Smiles...
On Zoom or in-person - students say they've never felt as supported as they feel on the Avatar Course.
Contact me if you are ready for your first step into a new life.
Avatar® , Love Precious Humanity® , Enlightened Planetary Civilization® and ReSurfacing® are registered trademarks of Star's Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.
Topic Keywords
The Avatar Course Self-Evolvement Spiritual Path

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