A Course In Miracles states - Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.
What does that mean? Well, there are hundreds of pages to explain it, but for now, I just want to address the issue of overcoming stress and finding peace in our everyday lives. After all, being at peace brings us happiness and that is what we really want to experience on the daily…
Consider for a moment that your true nature (what is real), what and who you are in essence, can never be damaged or even enhanced for it is already, whole, complete, and eternally good. However, we as human beings start making things here, in this physical world the end all and be all of our happiness. This is the reference to the “unreal” because much of it doesn’t really matter in the eternal grand scheme of things.
We need to look at why you are out of peace right now. Why are you choosing to suffer rather than redirect your thoughts and feeling toward the truth, because truth is that peace can be yours regardless of what you think you are seeing. Remember, that what you are seeing is a matter of your own perception. Are you perceiving that you are somehow a failure? Do you think that you are defined by your job, your successes? Is this the cause of your stress?
Please realize that you are never a failure because every experience has a gift within and is there to show us something about ourselves. Most of what we covet in life isn’t really important, so often it will be taken away when we put so much stock into defining ourselves by what really doesn’t matter. Your money, your material things, your status do not leave this earth with you. The love you give to others, the kindness you show others, the respect for their feeling, the forgiveness of both yourself and others… that’s what will leave with you!
We will fall into stress and anxiety when we choose to blame others or feel victimized. We begin to feel like we must control everything… because if we can just do that, the circumstances will change. If we figure it all out, the outcome will change, yet in reality it’s just not possible. Hmmm, what if you are trying to control something that is in front of you to help you heal and remember that wholeness again??!?
What we can control is our choices, and find ways to make better ones. When we choose to blame, we are putting our happiness outside of ourselves. Rather than blaming another, choose instead to take responsibility that some part of you created this particular situation to make you look at what really is important, and seek happiness above all else. Stop wasting your energy on blaming because that will only cause more stress. Change your focus to finding peace and I promise you that the solution will show up. You have got to ALLOW the solution and peace of mind to come to you, and putting blame on someone else is blocking it.
When we choose to be a victim, we are again putting our happiness in someone else’s hands. They don’t make your choices, you do! Realize that being a victim is anything but empowering. Empower yourself by choosing again and letting your internal guidance show you the way. Again…stop and allow rather than trying to control and thereby blocking the answer.
Consider that you are probably looking in the wrong place. Ask yourself what’s really showing up and why. We are only victims of our own decisions! If we decide to treat another badly, to disrespect someone else’s boundaries or feelings, then we are setting ourselves up for a karmic backlash. When you believe “someone done you wrong” it’s an energetic hurdle that you don’t need to overcome. Whatever you think someone else did or is doing to you, they may feel the same way about you. Let it go and let it be their karma, not yours.
We are our own worst enemies, yet we can also be our own saviors. If we are so far in the sorrow trenches, we must stop and ask for the part of us that remembers (our eternal truth) to guide us. I call it God, some call it The Universe, Higher Power…whatever you call it…just take time to call upon it to shift your irrational, erroneous thinking! When you do, you can see peace instead of turmoil.
Sometimes it takes another person to help you. A healer is merely someone who remembers your divine connection for you when you have forgotten. I am blessed with that capacity, yet I also call upon others when I’m stuck and have forgotten. If I find myself stressed about something I absolutely know I have chosen wrongly and need to shift something within. When you can’t connect to your inner guidance alone because you are so full of stress, find someone to help!
There is no need to suffer… unless you are comfortable there… and many people are because it has become known to them.
In this moment, be still. Choose again. Remember that you are as God created you, his creation can suffer nothing, and you are his creation!
Topic Keywords
stress management A Course In Miracles self love

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