We seem to value intuition more for its predictive ability than it's creative ability.

This can cause you to deny yourself the use of intuitive perceptions for creating more of what you want in life.  Getting access to inner wisdom for making choices and solving problems is far more useful than predicting the football match - unless you have money on it!

You may be keeping yourself from the benefits of intuition because you know how intuition should work, not how it actually does work.  You may dismiss  intuition because you can't predict the future while ignoring your very sophisticated intuitions about people that keep you out of relationship troubles.

You may have learned how to create from platitudes and rules about speaking positive words, vain repetition of affirmations, attempting to believe what you don’t believe.

But, psychic skills operate in the present and creation occurs right now.  So, you can say all the positive things you want.  You can affirm all you want for the future, while in a state of not having. You can say you believe something, but action speaks louder and more resonantly than mental chatter.  No matter what you say, you feel what you feel.

The good news is that you can use your inner wisdom and marshal your energy to create whether or not you say nice things, believe in good fortune, or are in a good, bad or indifferent mood.  All of these psychic and magical skills operate on a whole different plane of existence.

If you want to rely on your intuitive skills and your inner wisdom, you can do so, right now, this minute.  In fact you must do so in this minute!   Step out of the the head space and mental chatter and step into the quiet of being present in the here and now, feelings and all.

When you practice getting into present, magic can operate.  When you are mindful even for a minute or two you open a portal.  You open a doorway to inner wisdom, a channel to magic energy, a space for miracles to come to life

Be present to inner knowledge;  What makes you happy?  What are your super powers?  What do you create that you do not want to create?  How do you feel? What do you think is possible?  What do you avoid?  Predict the future in the now, based on these things.

This is your magic.

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