Getting real about our beliefs

Harry Palmer, author of the Avatar MaterialsOpen Quote

Ask people what they believe and you are likely to get an assortment of

  • what they want,
  • what they have heard,
  • what sounds reasonable, or
  • what is most likely to be praised.

Do they believe the things that they are asserting? Most of the time the answer is no. But digging beneath the asserted beliefs we find the real beliefs that are shaping behavior and creating reality.

The real beliefs, whether deliberately chosen or methodically indoctrinated, create a blueprint for what we perceive and how we interpret it.

They are the foundation of our life.

Change how you see the world

During ordinary moments of consciousness this blueprint causes us to perceive certain things, and to tune out certain other things. Changing a real belief can change our future, can change what we pay attention to, and can change what we see. A real belief can make objects disappear from our consideration.

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Read the full story in The Avatar Path: The Way We Came

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Try this little filtering exercise!

Explore beliefs and realities

Explore Beliefs & Realities

1) Say to yourself, "I'm very sad." -  Imagine it if you have to.

  • Think over the events of the last year and see what your attention focuses on.
  • Take a walk and look around. Notice what stands out.

2) Now say to yourself, "I'm happy." - Again, imagine it if you have to.

  • Think over the events of the last year and see what your attention focuses on.
  • Take another walk and look around. Notice what stands out.

from Living Deliberately: The Discovery & Development of Avatar®

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Topic Keywords
The Avatar Course Self-Evolvement Spiritual Path

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