How do you help others who don't want help? Answer is, you don't. In the end, all we can truly do is be there for those close to us. Be their ear for listening with no judgment. I mean, honestly, who are we to judge? There isn't a single being in the universe that is without at least one flaw. Yes this includes the almighty. We are imperfect and because we are made in their image that in turn makes them a reflection of us. But we are perfect in our own way.

There is no better time than now to learn how to be more nurturing and compassionate towards others. It's needed now more than ever. We are on the precipice of a spiritual/Astral war manifesting into the physical realm. Too much isn't being taken seriously in our 3D reality. Humanity has taken too much and each other for granted for far too long and it is all coming to a head. It's never too late to learn compassion. We just have to be willing to do so!

Until next time, much love from the Phoenix! 🥰🔥


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