I'm reeling with the most adoring feeling for myself right now.  But let's start this blog post where all things should start....the beginning.

We have had some crazy energy with it being eclipse season in the Aries and Libra node axis for the last year and we still have about 6 more months (+/-).  Now I'm an Aries sun, I feel like for now that's enough said.  Lol. The recent solar new moon eclipse that we had this October (2024) said that whatever was going on this time last year will be repeating itself.  Now fast forward a week or so past the eclipse, I was getting a slight repeat of what I experienced this time in 2023.  And the way the energy is explained is this will either be a reset and the situation will flourish OR it will close all doors and the new chapter will start.  

Needless to say I was struggling and was speaking to my mother and she told me to ask 'source' for help.  Now most people know that Aries are SUPER stubborn and asking for help is just not an option, but I set aside my 'pride' and asked.  Needless to say it took less than 12 hours for true colors to be shown and for me to be reminded why I opted out of the energy I was dealing with at this time a year ago.  This time I stayed calm, I didn't try to defend myself because there was no reason to, I have nothing to prove as my logic trumped the lies and accusations being thrust at me.  Now I'm not saying that I handled ALL situations with this energy in the best way, but this just gave me clarity that change isn't always possible or accepted for all parties involved. And that is ok.  We all learn our lessons at our own pace.

Luckily this cycle has officially been broken.  It was a big one and to finally be free of the energy and not be obligated to it anymore is the biggest sense of relief a person could ever feel!

I felt the need to share this to say the following, sometimes the soul contracts we sign on for in these lifetimes we incarnate into just can't be fulfilled.  There is nothing wrong with that and it also doesn't mean you failed.  As long as you know that you have IN FACT given 10,000% and done everything you can on your end, at least you attempted to learn your part of the lessons.  Never give up because something feels or seems hard, it just means you're on the right path to your destiny and soul purpose!

No homework for this post!  😉

Until next time, much love from the Phoenix! 🥰🔥


Read Part 10

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