Spiritual Core Counseling gives you the power to release old concepts and to create a new you that you can empower to be the person you want to be.
One session can change your life. People often do a series of 3 or 5 sessions for maximum affect. For special introductory price of only $38 for one special sample session contact Levanah at 310-310-395-1170 or levanah@liveinawe.com.
Core Pictures are the building blocks that form the unseen and often hidden images and beliefs that form the foundation of your everyday reality.
As a human being you have an energy system that is composed of chakras (energy centers), an aura, meridian channels and an electric and magnetic balancing system.
Your aura is your life force energy that surrounds and protects your body like a giant egg that reaches a few feet above your head and a few feet below your feet. Your aura is the book of your soul and your personality in this life. The images in your aura, which Clairvoyants call pictures, prompt you to take action. We all have thousands of Images that are our memories, beliefs, and influences. The current pictures that affect us in present time sit in our aura. The rest of our stored images are in our chakras (energy centers) and in our bodies. The most forceful images (fear, restrictions, intense passion & feelings, etc.) are buried deeply within either our energy centers, our unconscious mind or our bodies. The most deeply buried pictures that influence our total reality are called Core Pictures.
There are different sets of core pictures. Pictures set in childhood can greatly influence your life. Some of these images become set beliefs that limit your wellness, your ability to create prosperity and your social interaction. These images that set beliefs in your unconscious can often be from before you developed your verbal abilities. So they are “deep” feelings that are difficult to recall on a verbal or intellectual level in therapy, intuitive or clairvoyant work since they are non-verbal feelings in the ages from birth to five years of age.
Some core images that impact us are past life images that get carried forward to your new life. Other core images are stuck hidden emotions from our childhood.
We usually have three or four major set core pictures in each life and others that are minor past life pictures or images from our formative years.
Clearing your core pictures is the first step to enlightenment and having a joyous life. It is believed that if you can clear your core pictures you reach enlightenment. Actually there is a partial truth to this. If you clear the major cure pictures in this life you reach the first level of enlightenment. There are many levels of enlightenment or what some people call the Buddhist Heavens. As you clear any of your core pictures, major or minor, you wash away the illusionary world that you live in. Clairvoyants describe this as living in neutrality. Living in neutrality is when your emotions do not control you and you do not react to others but choose your own perceptions. Some spiritual groups call this being clear, or having total awareness.
Most people live through their entire lives without ever clearing their deep major core images. When you notice that a friend, relative or work companion has changed in a significant manner it is because that person somehow managed “through life experience” to de-energize a minor core picture. Often this explains when a person completely changes their life, changing their lifestyle, location or belief system.
Recently a new system has been developed that allows people to pinpoint and release core images in an easy fun therapeutic one to one counseling session. I have been studying this new technique, which is very powerful for releasing highly charged core images (fears, resistance, phobias, etc.) and so to change your immediate lifestyle or actions to create what you truly want in this life. It takes personal courage to release minor or major core pictures. Once you release these images your life will change dramatically. Whatever stuck picture held you in the grasp of fear, inaction, inability or at a lower potential will be released and you will experience a freedom of purpose that you have never experienced before in this lifetime.
By releasing a core picture from your energy field you can release major blocks in your life. This is one of the easiest methods for quick change that I have ever seen or used.