sound healing

FindMagicPeople asked on 2022-07-01
Question:How do you start sound healing?

sound healing

1 answers

As the song goes, let's start at the very beginning.  :)

First, realize that sound is vibration.  And you are vibration in physical form.  Therefore, you are sound! 

From there... play with sound.  Discover which sounds you love, which sounds challenge you, which sounds feel nurturing, comforting, etc.  Then play with those.  There are LOTS of recordings and videos available online to do some exploring with.

From there... you will want to experience sound healing live and in person.  The experience is much more in depth and beneficial in person.  Find a sound healer or sound therapist that you trust and connect with.

If you desire to add sound healing to your skills, find a teacher you resonate with (sound healing pun); but seriously.  Look for a teacher who you truly connect with and study with them.  A word about sound healing trainings, lots of sound healing courses are really just introductions to the instruments with the goal of selling you lots of instruments.  Look for trainings that are geared towards your focus - trauma, relaxation, stress-relief, intuition, etc.