Shaman Jade

What IS Shamanism anyway?

That's a hard question to answer, simply because every practitioner has their own unique manner of things. Much like your fingerprint resembles others but isn't quite the same.

The general practice however is the same...Shamanism utilizes the unseen world to assist, support and heal in the ordinary seen world.


"It hurt me to my core." "That hurts my soul." "He's a lost soul." "I feel like I've lost a part of myself."

These are not just hyperbole, these are the soul expressing its loss. Our soul can fragment and a piece can flee to find safety in times of unbearable stress or trauma. Thus, one of the skills a Shaman has is to retrieve lost pieces of soul that broke apart from the mainframe.


Have you ever met someone and felt like you needed a shower afterwards? Or maybe you experience a sudden feeling of fatigue and lethargy. Could be a negative entity has taken up residence within your life force and is leaching off you. Shamans can safely remove and dispose of said entities.


"I've lost my way." "How did I get here?" Where am I going?" These existential crisis phrases are indicative of the need for a true reset to get back on track of your original destiny. The one you agreed to long before you incarnated, but life got in the way. A Shaman can help you reset to original factory settings and get back on track.

Shamans can also unstick stuck energy, call back parts of ourselves or energy that we've left in people, places or events, cut cords, illuminate chakras and administer death rites.

No Shaman will be exactly like the next and that is how it should be because every client will need something different. This ensures that everyone can find what they need.


I suggest you find a local Shaman or one who confidently performs remotely with whom you truly resonate. Don't go to a local one just because they are cheap or have immediate availability if it doesn't feel absolutely resonant. It is really good to go on friends recommendations, if you can, but that isn't always possible. Trust your intuition and don't be afraid of remote services. Energy is energy whether it is in the same room or across the globe. Sometimes being at hime, in your comfies, in your own safe space you can receive and even more powerful session right away because Spirit doesn't have to temper it to help you drive home.


One of the questions you have to ask yourself before going to a Shaman is, 'Do I really want to put forth the effort to change my life?' Because the Shaman doesn't HEAL you, the Shaman creates the environment for your SOUL to heal you. So, I often suggest you give your Shaman a minimum of 3 months to work. How often you go back is up to you and what service you required.

I have clients that I see every week, however they are constructed with an energy healing session one week then the next weeks (however long necessary) we work on integrating the work done in the energy session. Others I see once a month or once every three months and much in between.

The important thing I want to stress is not to 'doctor shop'. Don't hop around from energy work to energy work and practitioner to practitioner. Give the modality and the practitioner you select the respect and time to affect change. And don't forget to do your homework...sorta like you go to the dentist for the big stuff but you upkeep by brushing and flossing.

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