Learn to create Magic in your life with Derek, a licensed Avatar master

Dancing with Mainstream Social Media

Hi again friends and colleagues. I hope you are full with abundance and gratitude after Thanksgiving.

Today I'd like to share a bit about my intention for FindMagicPeople and how we can take the most advantage of what the platform offers.

I have a bit of a love hate relationship with mainstream social media. In general it seems to be moving away from value and connection. At the same time - it is what most people are used to and where a LOT of people spend a LOT of time.

So it's good to be deliberate with the social media heavies - and to let the people who want something more profound know that there is now a better space.

When I create content (blogs, events and posts in groups), part of my focus is on creating more thoughtful material which I share on Facebook and LinkedIn as an invitation. I always try to @ "mention" FindMagicPeople so that the Social accounts of FindMagicPeople can repost, retweet, etc.

This is the easiest way to get amplification - and one I highly encourage. Mentioning lets the FindMagicPeople accounts know to take action on our behalf.

Even if I already have events added on platforms, I still share the events from FindMagicPeople to those platforms - as events and posts are treated separately so it gets your activity in front of more eyes.

By the way - it's a piece of cake to share content, just click one of the Share this Page icons and an optimized link is created for you on the platform

Sharing to social media from FindMagicPeople


If you have any questions about this, don't hesitate to ask. Sharing benefits all of us by inviting the world to our community.

I also wanted to answer a question about creating content. Recently more of you have been utilizing the social aspects of FindMagicPeople by asking questions, starting blogs, posting and more. And I love it!

Eric the ronroco playerBack about 20 years ago I was running a platform called Guitar-Learning - and one of the most fun things that happened was that a guy in Thailand, Eric, who played an instrument called the Ronroco started to post about his experiences and learning journey.


A Bolivian RonrocoA ronroco is somewhat similar to a mandolin, from the Andes mountains and originally made from the shell of an Armadillo. Eric may have been the only ronroco player in Asia!

His stories gained a lot of attention and created some fascinating conversations with people from 3-4 continents which lasted for over a month!

What I learned from this is that there is a tremendous value in sharing stories and being specific. Eric's conversation was only with a few people - but thousands more saw it. I, and many others, are better off for learning something new - and this impression has lasted for a few decades.

I encourage people to offer a mix between sharing for a broad audience and sharing for a specific audience. 

As a matter of fact, I noticed recently that Chris has gotten traffic for "etheric reconstruction" - a topic I'd have a hard time defining at all.

So this is the dance. We have an opportunity to create a new conversation - with each other and with the world. It's an adventure - and while I have some experience I'm still learning as well. 

It's fun sharing, it's important for the world to connect AND it's great to be doing it with people I appreciate.
