Akashic Records - Do you have to be Psychic to access the Akashic Records?

Short answer is no, but with a caveat. 

In reality, we are all psychic and or have psychic abilities. For me, I like to use the word intuitive rather than psychic.  I think it softens the word for many people who have misunderstandings about what being psychic really is.  Most people admit to having intuition about things, or say they have a “gut” feeling. 

Poh-ta-toe Pah-ta-toe, same innate ability that we can develop. 

The stronger your intuition is, the easier it is to receive information in the Akashic Records. The information is never a cut and dry thing like when we are having a conversation.  My guides show me images and words that I must use my heightened intuition to properly interpret.  

We all have access to the same gifts, just some are more prone to certain gifts than others.  If it feels hard and forced and you don’t enjoy it, then it’s just not your preferred gift to use and develop.  There are many other ways to receive information from other realms.  This just happened to be my wheelhouse! 

Akashic Records