Akashic Records - Do you have suggestions for getting ready for a reading?

No preparation is necessary, but normally people who have booked a reading with me are curious about getting their questions answered about relationships, either challenging or special, any strange interests, any phobias, visions or psychic experiences that make no sense to them. I don't need this to obtain access but it helps direct me more quickly to the life that you may be working on healing or understanding now. An akashic reading will hopefully offer you clarity as to why some of the relationships with others in this life are challenging (or magical) and what you've come forth to learn, heal, or share in this life. Life purpose will often show itself. Most clients leave with a solid clarity and deeper understanding of self and other via learning the "past life stories and lessons."

A perfect example of this is a person who knows they are meant to have a larger role in bringing peace on earth, but they have an unexplained fear of being seen and heard and a fear of being persecuted for speaking their truth. I refer to these beautiful beings as "the witches most likely burned at the stake." Understanding your role and the role of your persecutor can free up your fears for you to move forward, help make you feel safe, empowered, and offer a deeper understanding of yourself and life purpose. I'm also careful to ask for what is ready to be healed rather than going in and giving you the details of a past life that you're not ready to process.

An akashic records reading is designed to offer you the understanding and deep healing to move forward in greater unconditional love for self.

Akashic Records