Greetings and Welcome

This is a new newsletter aimed to support and inform members on our site. I'll aim to send these out about once every week or two. I'll use these messages to share information, best practices and recommendations and also to let you know of new and potential features. There is a lot happening and I hope you share my excitement.

Since this is brand new, I hope you don't mind that I subscribed you. You can unsubscribe yourself at any time with the link at the bottom of this email. I'll try to keep these brief and informative.

And if there is anything your like me to cover,  just let me know. I DO get replies to this email.

Thank YOU for being part of FindMagicPeople!

First of all - I want to thank you for being part of this. This year has seen a tripling of members and we have a steady flow of events to share with the world. We are making steady progress getting ranked in the search engines and growing our reach on social media.

To me this is a collaboration, and we are aligning our intention to connect with the people we can best support. The best way to do this is by sharing who we are in our profile, what we offer (offerings and our profile) and how people can connect with us (events).

Practitioner Guides and Information

Some early adopters might not have see the online support and a downloadable guide for practitioners. There is also a practitioner's faq - but that's more for people considering signing up.

These are full of GREAT information and images to walk you through adding your information.

As most of you know - I also love supporting you - so feel free to reach out by phone, text or email.

Feedback Request

We're looking to add a few new types of offerings - can you let me know which of the following you'd want to add if available?

  1. Books (I know several of you are authors)
  2. Broadcasts (audio or video)
  3. Retreats
  4. Other - Let me know

Please reply or contact me if one or more of these interest you, and I'll work with you to get yours added.
