Empower Thyself Initiation Class

Empower Thyself is a 2-day class that unveils true Mystery School teachings & metaphysical tools from the Hermetic lineage of King Salomon to equip you to lead with more LIGHT in the world!  This is the final Empower Thyself we'll be teaching in 2021 - don't miss out!

Empower Thyself grants you access to the hidden knowledge and ancient keys from a lineage that is over 3,000 years old. Anchor more power, positivity, clarity, joy, and direction to living your God-given purpose so you can make the impact you're destined to make here on Earth.

Benefits of the Empower Thyself 2-Day Class and Initiation include:

+ Expanded Knowledge of Reality & the Higher Dimensions of Life
+ Enhanced Intuition & Connection to Spiritual and Angelic Realms
+ Daily Practices to Raise your Frequency & Accelerate your Healing & Growth
+ Proven Techniques to Clear Negativity and Illuminate your Negative Ego
+ Amplified Ability to Manifest your Will & Create in Alignment with your Higher Purpose
+ Direct Communication with your Higher Self and your Spirit Guides
+ Tools to Create Sacred Space Within Yourself and in the Spaces you Occupy
+ Shining Exponentially More Light through you into the World
+ And More!

These 2 days culminates with a holy Initiation Ceremony that welcomes you into the Great Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light and the Royal Lineage of King Salomon, expanding your capacity to flow Light energy and Positivity by up to 10 times and accelerating the fulfillment of your life's purpose on Earth!

Are you ready to take the leap to the next level of your life? Reach out and secure your spot in class today!

Prerequisite: Life Activation

Investment: $1,250

*A deposit of $300 is due prior to class to ensure your spot and for the Guide to start holding you in the Light.

Email info@empoweredliving.academy to learn more!

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