I was blessed to see this talk in person last year, and the meditation at the end is absolutely breathtaking. This is a newly available video, and we can't wait to share it with you.
Movie Nights are fun and participatory. After brief introductions we'll give a bit of background information and then watch this ~30 minute talk together. Afterwards we'll share and discussion how it applies to our lives and way of seeing the world.
Expect to be entertained and changed.
Who should attend?
- Do you like to explore spiritual topics with high energy people?
- Do the mysteries of life and consciousness draw your interest?
- Are you curious about the Avatar materials and if / how they can support your growth and goals?
If yes, then you are warmly invited to join us. It'll be fun and full of energy and smiles!
If you'd like to know more, please contact Derek at (248)635-8216
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