Making Everything be Alright!

Avatar® Movie Night! Everything is Alright

Mark your calendar! Our next Movie Night is June 30th!

"Everything is Alright"

a talk by Harry Palmer, creator of the Avatar Course

"It's this Everything is alright feeling that connects us with our higher self"

It's a little hard to paraphrase what this 30 minute talk is about. It's hilarious, yet deeply profound.

It's both feel good yet also looks at the weight of awakening a planet.

We hope you can join us - these are fun and I think everyone enjoys the deep conversations and sharing after the short talk.

This is a free event open to anyone curious about the Avatar spiritual path, which has been taught all over the world.

Living Deliberately with the Avatar Path


I hope you can make it - if you have any questions, let me know.

Call Derek at 248.635.8216 with questions or to register


Avatar® is a registered trademark of Star's Edge, Inc. All rights reserved

More Info / Ticketing
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Avatar® Peace of Mind Spiritual Guidance Personal Development The Avatar Course
Related Offering(s)
Avatar Movie Nights - Explore the Powers of Consciousness Detroit Area Avatar® Courses

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