This is a complicated question with no easy answer. I will say that, for my part, any predictions I make about the future are in a very particular context. A Tarot reading tells a story, with a beginning, middle, and end, and the querent is always either at the beginning or in the middle (if you were at the end, you'd have the answer and not need to ask). But a story also has a plot, and that (for me) is where the cards come in. By laying out the matter as it is, the predictions become an organic growth of the facts, so long as nothing changes.
However, it's my view that as soon as you sit for the Tarot reading and hear what the reader has to say, you have just enough foreknowledge to already derail from that exact path (though, if you don't follow the reader's advice, you may still end up exactly where they said you would). This is where the other cards come in, the ones that give you advice on how to improve the direction you're headed or avoid pitfalls that may loom. Ultimately, while I do think Tarot can predict the future (albeit in a certain context), I don't think that function is as important as its ability to help you shape the future, which seems much more powerful to me.
Tarot can give you perspective and probabilities. Everything from a reading can change depending on what the client does with the information given. A few things are cut in stone, most are not.
I give people direction based on their akashic records for this lifetime. They can choose to pay attention to it or discard it.