Thoughtstorm sessions strengthen our abilities to explore and discover solutions as a group. It is an exercise in creating group alignment, a sense of shared direction that is not common in the current world.
After an alignment question, we'll explore the following premise and question:
Successful operations result from careful planning.
What causes opportunities to arise?
From page 63 in The Thoughtstorm Manual: An Evolution In Human Thinking, by Harry Palmer.
Deceptively simple, yet profound, Thoughtstorm's' ability to generate insights into problems is priceless and fun.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 452 435 0499
Passcode: Magic
To learn more, please contact Derek at 248.635.8216
Thoughtstorm® is a registered trademark of Star's Edge, Inc. All rights reserved
If you haven't done Thoughtstorming, I can assure you this is an excellent use of your time. Thoughtstorming is an elegant and enjoyable way to create/generate ideas. Attend if you can!
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