
There are a number of energy healers here - I'd love to hear your thoughts on what happens in healing.

For example - in your view do you heal someone, or do they heal themselves? Or...

Is something added, or something removed or something integrated?

No right or wrong answers here - I'd love to get perspectives, stories, etc.


A Healer is one who is adept at holding the space and directing energy that supports the client's energy body to heal itself.

Our physical bodies are equipped for only have to get a papercut to see that in action. However, there are outside physical toxins that can attack and if the energy body is unbalanced either through trauma or societal indoctrination dis-ease can take hold. So the energy worker uses their experience and education to support the natural healing process.

In addition, the truth is that we are all connected so there is no 'my healing someone' vs 'someone healing themselves'. We are all healing ourselves collectively - or harming ourselves collectively, for that matter.

I am a Shamanic Practitioner offering alternative ways of healing that support traditional modalities. I go into the unseen worlds to identify the root of an issue and help the body, mind and spirit to heal.

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