There has been so much shifting in the past year and a half, a global pandemic that is inviting us into deeper awareness of self and our interconnectedness with each other.  


This is a powerful new offering that I am finding is meeting the newly emerging needs I am hearing from you, as well as my body, the land and our community.  This is a private offering, uniquely tailored for your particular needs and desires.  Group offerings posted separately :


Sacred Sexuality Private sessions: 2 month program 


Together We Will

  • Build new relationships of trust with our bodies, each other, ancestors, nature and the Earth as support and resource.
  • Learn tools to feel safe to trust the amount of power that moves through you.
  • Listen deeply to the body, and unwind old stories, patterns, trauma and information stored there.
  • Expand your capacity to access vital energy and feel the vibrancy of being alive.
  • Remember who you are and connect deeply with your soul purpose.
  • Claim your sexual sovereignty.


To Support You

As you listen to your body and build resilience to trust big sensation - whether that is:

  • sexuality (and perhaps the urge to drive toward fulfillment), or
  • grief, anger (or other emotional energy), or
  • the discomfort we feel as we notice and release intergenerational trauma from our bodies in our ancestral healing and anti-racism work.

They are all connected.


As we build this resilience, we open our body vessel to the vibrancy of being alive and being authentically who we are. We liberate our vital energy to be available to offer our deepest service and work in the world.


Feeling really good about feeling good! This is my wish for you. So that we create a culture of love and respect for our bodies, each other, ourselves, nature and the planet.


Claim your Sexual Sovereignty

Trust Your Power

Remember Who you Are


Program includes:

  • 4 live sessions remotely by Zoom, every two weeks, 75 minutes each
  • email access for questions and support between sessions, where I may reply by email or audio note 
  • Support for shaping the container of your daily practice including creating your Sacred Space, suggestions for altar items and tending, timing, prompts for the Moon Cycle cadence
  • Homework & practices to take into your daily practice
  • Optional final closing call, if desired, 30 min


Your Commitment:

  • Book and attend the four sessions with me every two weeks on Tuesdays between 10am and 6pm
  • Daily practice time on your own - which we will shape together including length and frequency based on your needs
  • Weekly harvest time on your own - integration practice where you will reflect and harvest the fruits of your practice


Are you ready to invest in your health, wellness, pleasure, soul path and our collective liberation?


Payment options: book Discovery call to explore the options right for you


I am actively working to deconstruct barriers to access to this work. If you identify as BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, living with chronic illness and/or disabilities please reach out if you need sliding scale options.


Book a Discovery Call to clarify if it is the right fit for us to work together in this way at this time 


Schedule your sessions here.


body-confidence sacred sexuality ancestors Healing Modalities listening to our bodies empowerment sovereignty Nature connection