The 2nd Saturday of the month!  Book Your Appointment here:

Everything is energy.  We need energy to flow freely in order for our bodies to run efficiently and to be in a state of health and maintain that health.  Negative thoughts and feelings slow and block this natural flow, making the energy a dense mass.  An energy alignment clears your energy body of all the excess that you no longer need to carry around with you.  Much like taking the static out of a fleece blanket.  

You will experience deep relaxation as physical tensions and mental stress melt away.  (I’ve experienced clients even falling asleep and snoring during their session.)  You will walk away feeling lighter and more at ease.  Crystals,  Essential Oils and other Sacred Tools come together for a custom-to-you synergistic session.

Crystal Cockerham is certified in Crystology through the Melody Crystal Healing.  Working with crystals is a beautiful synergetic complement to inner transformational work.  The vibrational qualities of crystals hold and facilitate our energetic selves in an incredibly impactful way.  When used in chakra balancing, crystals can help us to release blockages and create a smoother flow of energy within our chakra system to bring about an overall balance mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

The Melody Crystal Healing Laying on of Stones is a comprehensive mix of scientific, quantum principles and ancient wisdom that empowers understanding the multidimensional self and its journey.  Melody Crystal Healing helps weave together this ancient art and the frontiers of science enabling us to see-think-be outside the current paradigm, opening our hearts and minds to the miracle of focused intent with the infinite assistance of the mineral kingdom, the flowers of the earth, where intuition and logic move together by using specific arrays for personal healing and self-actualization.

Crystal is also certified in the Advanced Laying-On-Of-Stones.  As a client, the following is a broad list of what you can receive by working with a Melody Crystal Healer:

  • Intuitive Healing
  • Transcending Self-limiting Belief Systems
  • Chakra Clearing, Balancing & Activation
  • Attuning with your Higher Self
  • Actualizing your Desires/Manifestation
  • Cleansing Cords & Connections to/with outside sources
  • Past-life Ascensions
  • Guided Soul-Journeying
  • Soul Retrievals
  • And more

$111.00 Pre-conversation, the energy session & post session follow-up.

More Info / Ticketing
In-Person Energy Alignment Session
Energy Healing & Medicine