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Let's start with introductions - experts please introduce yourselves and answer the following question.

"Are there indicators that it's a good time for someone to develop the skills to help others?"

Comments (5)

While I'm not sure there is a definite answer to this, for me, it seems like many (most?) people find that they are drawn to skills, modalities and opportunities to study in some form or another. Also, to find they are crossing paths with others who are on similar pages, have similar feelings of being drawn to grow and expand (and to become who they truly are, to fully participate in the live they've signed up for.)

Hello All - I am Nikki. I have been intuitive and sensitive my whole life. In my journey I have read, taken classes, and pursued information and understanding of all things metaphysical and spiritual to help me understand my experiences. I have a strong rational side as well as my intuitive side, and have a love for math & science as well as intense curiosity. A big part of my passion is teaching - helping others discover, develop, and integrate their natural gifts and abilities.
In answer to the question, I think that many people (maybe all people) have experiences that ping on those intuitive abilities - whether it is an odd synchronicity, a dream, or some other experience. And, sometimes those experiences seem to become more frequent - which raises curiosity and a desire to learn more. People then may look for ways to learn. I do think that the learning process is first about and for ourselves. And that as we grow and develop, the path forward then unfolds as to whether we are to move full-time into helping others through using our abilities, or we continue to 'do' whatever we have been doing - and help others by integrating our abilities into our everyday life, and showing this to others - which can inspire them to move forward in their own way.

The indicators are there for everyone on some level everyday, now that we are in the time of Genius. Everyone's gifts are unique to each of us, so if you are drawn to check out a certain training you should check it out. I work with experts in every spector all over the world not just healing industry but believe me they are helping to heal the consciousness. So watch for the mastery numbers you are seeing, 1111, 222, 333, 555, 777, 888, 2323, 1212, 111111, etc... And focus on expanding your true core which is a ball of light at the base of your heart chakra, feel that warmth and let it lead the way. I am here whenever you feel ready for your highest path, it is not scary it is beautiful as are you!!!!

I’m Roxanne Kuchciak. I have done energy healing for over 25 years. I am currently an Intuitive Empowerment Coach and Teacher, working with Healers, Facilitators, Leaders, and Business Executives around the world, to uncover their upper limits, close the gap between where they are and what they choose, and accelerate their receiving.
I started my personal journey as an esthetician, massage therapist, and Reiki healer, and stumbled across ThetaHealing 19 years ago. I had no idea what ThetaHealing was about. In many ways, it was a good thing. I stepped into the class with over 10 other readers and advanced healers. At the time I knew things, I could identify body trauma but I would hardly call myself a psychic, intuitive, or even a healer. By the end of the ThetaHealing Basic DNA class I could read bodies, do healings, and give future readings, not just leaving a client with unresolved energy and blocks, I learned how to change beliefs as well. I just knew I needed to become a ThetaHealing Instructor. I currently offer ThetaHealing classes, private coaching sessions, and group coaching clearing programs that last 20-30 days—addressing wealth, health, body, and relationships, using the ThetaHealing techniques, several other modalities, as well as my own energy process Creating Beyond.

When it is time to help others:
For some people, it starts with knowing there is more available. The seekers, dreamers, and knowers have an inner calling to step up and show up.

I think the indicators are different for all of us. If we are talking about divine timing, you might hear about a certain modality/healing technique. You might ignore it the first 5- 10 times then something shifts inside. You know you need to know more about it. Before you know it, you are attending the class. When this happens you might feel like you have done this before. It’s feels natural to you. You might know you want to help other people but have negative beliefs like-
I can’t charge for healing.
No one would pay me.
I don’t know enough.
My family will think I’ve lost my mind.
These types of beliefs have held back many people from stepping into their healing/ and reading businesses. They came to help assist with shifting humanity and hold themselves back from doing the great work they are here to do. Ignoring the people they agreed to come and facilitate/heal/ and awaken. The most important part is once you start developing your skills you will start seeing life through your authentic eyes. I think any time is the right time to develop your skills- they are tools for life!

Hi, I'm Rob. I'm the owner of 7 Notes Natural Health in Ann Arbor. We say it's our mission to help you hear, see, and feel true wellness, and we mean that. I am a licensed massage therapist, a sound and color therapist, a reflexologist, alevel III trained reiki practitioner, and an aspiring naturopath. I am currently finishing a PhD in Naturopathy through Kingdom College of Natural Health.

My passion is using non-invasive modalities to help you achieve your health and wellness goals. I am passionate about sound healing and lead sound baths, sound bath meditations, and labyrinth walks through the state and region. We offer monthly sound baths at our office space in Ann Arbor.

Indicators that it's time - tune in to your intuition. Are you receiving signs or messages, nudges, or encouragement? If you are, and you notice it... it's probably time. :)

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