Akashic Records - Can I / How can I learn to read the Akashic Records?

Yes, you can learn to read the Akashic Records! Please remember though that everything is filtered through our ego so it will take practice to know when you have transcended your ego into your Divine Mind when discerning the information in the Akashic Records. Often, it's wise to use a seasoned practitioner to help with that because they are not invested in what YOUR ego is interested in.

While anyone can learn to access the Akashic Records, it requires practice, intention, and a clear mind.  These are the general steps:

  1. Set a Clear Intention
  2. Prepare Yourself Through Meditation or Grounding
  3. Use a Sacred Prayer or Invocation
  4. Ask Questions with Openness
  5. Listen, Sense, or Visualize
  6. Practice and Trust
  7. Keep a Journal

I strongly recommend reading a few books and looking at blog posts.  There are also many YouTube videos that can guide you.  Just like any skill, accessing the Akashic Records takes practice. The more you connect, the easier it becomes to receive clear information. Trust the process and be patient with yourself. If you are unsure or want more clarity, book a session and see what it's like before trying yourself. 

Akashic Records