Akashic Records - What is Akashic healing? What is Akasha healing?

Personally, I view Akashic or Asasha (means consciousness) healings as one and the same.  They are both based in Spirituality.  These healings address or may address the following:  belief systems, agreements, inherited trauma, trauma, past lives, disconnect of any of the four bodies (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual), blocked chakras (energy centers), chords, of attachment, and tears or issues affecting auras.  The healing removes the emotional and/or mental charge, leaving the knowledge and wisdom.  This enables the individual to rewrite the event to a story that allows a response, not a reaction.  For individuals like myself, who are overly reactionary to life events, this is a brand-new form of freedom!  Every person choosing this journey will find their learning unique.  To effectively embody this healing work, each person will be vulnerable mentally and emotionally.  It is, therefore, very important to select a practitioner who resonates thereby making the work be the most effective.  The process will bring forth deep rooted issues to be cleared, healed, and reframed with a new viewpoint 

Akashic Records