Akashic Records - Can you share a story / experience? (Part 2)

Throughout my own healing journey, I began supporting others using this powerful modality.  I have personally experienced the debilitating effects of storing negative emotions.  If left long enough they move from pain to chronic pain then into chronic illness.  One client suffered from sciatica pain for about 13 months.  During this time, a variety of modalities were used.  Chiropractic visits, massages, even pain and nerve medications were utilized, all with limited or no success.  The lack of relief stemmed from treating the symptoms rather than the root cause.  Though the client was a non-believer in this work, the unresolved chronic pain led them to try this work, far outside their comfort zone.  Over the next 2 months, weekly sessions provided this client with an understanding of the stored emotions generating this devitalizing pain as well as releasing it.  This particular scenario was anger based and many decades old, yet within a short time, the pain was managed and then resolved.  No medications, chiropractor visits, or massages are needed now, this is the magic and power of the Akashic Records Healings.

Akashic Records