Akashic Records - How do they relate to past lives?

In the energetic world, lifetimes run parallel to each other.  Have you ever experienced a deja vu?  This is an example of how energies bring information from other lifetimes.  These are also described as past lives.  Every moment in time is stored in the Records.  We hold inherited trauma from past lives, as well as from ancestral lines and DNA.  This is a healing modality that addresses trauma from any source.  Here is an example of this, from my own healing journey.  I have, always in this lifetime, felt suffocated with my head under the covers.  No experience in my current memory explains this presentation.  I have learned that a traumatic experience in a past life led to this feeling.  Thankfully, I was able to clear and heal from it through Records clearing and healing.  Any quirks or idiosyncrasies that you haven’t pinpointed to this current journey is likely from a past life.  Past lives also host gifts and abilities that we can bring forth in this time as we heal and are able to resume effective use of these gifts and abilities

Akashic Records