Akashic Records - What is it like to get a reading?

Permission to access the client’s records has been granted via a waiver signed.  The actual experience is highly individual.  I begin by walking the client through a grounding sequence.  Once complete, I begin the transition phase, greeting the Akashic Guardians, and arriving at the room in the Records where the session beings.  If a client feels energy, the sessions are different from someone who does not feel energy.  Much of this is determined by the client’s Higher Self, as they guide practitioner on the depth to strive for.  A client may feel physical sensations and/or emotions, get smells, have tastes, or see colors or images.  The practitioner will divulge bits and pieces to tons of information.  The energetic charge will be reduced or eliminated around the information that is presented.  A practitioner facilitates the rewriting of the point in time.  This process permits the emotion and thoughts behind an event to be released while the knowledge and wisdom remain, providing a higher energetic starting point to response over reaction in future scenarios.  Understand though, that healing is a spiral, when an issue represents, it is a deeper layer of the trauma the client is ready to heal.  The energy portion of a reading continues to work in the background until complete.

Akashic Records