Akashic Records - How do they relate to past lives?

Akashic Record readings are pretty much always about looking into past lives.  A skilled Akashic Records reader will be able to use their psychic abilities to correlate how it is affecting your current life.

Because the concept of past lives is closely tied to the notion of karma (the spiritual principle of cause and effect) actions in your past lives may influence your current and futures lives. When you explore your past lives through the Akashic Records, you can look for karmic patterns and lessons that continue to affect their present life.  

You may also find karmic connections that exist with someone because a person in your life today was also a part of a lifetime in the past.  When you see and understand something that makes no logical sense is actually from a past life experience with that person, it promotes quicker healing and growth (why we are here). It could very well be that you made a choice that involved them during a past life and the consequence came with you. They may have been in a partner role, a parent, a child, a best friend, any number of roles in that life, but not now.

Knowledge is power and the more you know yourself the more pleasant your life will be, so knowing the important things from a past life will speed up the process toward that goal.

Akashic Records