Akashic Records - What is it like to get a reading?

Akashic Record Readings as with any psychic, tarot, runes or other type of reading can be different depending on the practitioner, yet there will be common things to expect.

The first Akashic Record Reading that I had was quite profound for me since it pointed me in a direction I did not expect at all, yet served me well.  It also enlightened me to why I had been reluctant to put myself out there as a healer since I discovered I had been shunned by family and friends in a previous life.

Most readings will have some of those results for you.  It’s really all about receiving information from  previous life experiences that can help you in the current one.  As I’ve stated before the intention we set will be the guide for the direction the reading will take.

I like doing a “soul story” reading where I do the work ahead of time so that when I connect with my client I am giving information that we can then build on.  It gives me a better way to give the most information and help the person in a minimal amount of time. 

For an intuitive Akashic Record Reading, it’s more “in the moment” driven and will still be profound but in a slightly different way. Often psychics use the records without realizing that is what they are doing.  Focused attention to draw information from the Akashic Records goes a bit deeper into the actual soul part of our life’s journey. Most readings will look at what is in your record that will help you answer your questions. 

Akashic Records