Akashic Records - How are they different from a Psychic Reading?

While there is overlap, as both modalities are intuitive, a psychic reading gathers information to interpret for the client, and offers information of events that have, are, or may happen, offering guidance though no healing.  The Akashic Records, (a journey of the Soul, is a cocreation between the practitioner and client, guided by the Divine) offer healing of deep-rooted trauma, shifting the mindset into a healthier and more supportive state.  A professional practitioner utilizes intuition to enhances the healing through information gathered from the Records.  The Records hold every aspect of time itself and this enables the practitioner to delve into the past and present.  This empowers the client setting the stage for a higher vibrational future, all while empowering the client.  Meaning the information learned is employed to improve a mindset, to re-write the emotions related to the trauma, while retaining the knowledge and wisdom of the event.

Akashic Records