Akashic Records - What questions to ask at Akashic Record reading? Suggestions?

When I do an Akashic Records “soul story reading” I ask my guides to show me the story that is currently affecting the person that I am reading for.  I do this ahead of time so the time we spend together is giving them the information I found and they can ask question about what I tell them as we go along.  I also look at the soul’s matrix when it was created and how you can use your soul level gifts when creating abundance.

For a general reading, you can ask a wide variety of questions that look at personal growth, spiritual development, relationships, abundance, etc.  The effectiveness of an Akashic Record reading often depends on your intention and your readiness to receive the guidance offered. I always say God reveals to you what you need to know, when you need to know it. It’s up to you to be willing to accept it! It’s very important to approach the reading with an open heart and mind, allowing the information to flow and not being stubborn about the answers you want to receive.

Some suggestions for questions:

How can I deepen my connection with the divine/source/universe? 
What spiritual practices would benefit me most at this time?
Is there anything specific blocking in my spiritual growth, and how can I overcome it?

What patterns am I recreating? 
What limiting beliefs do I need to release for my highest good? 
What am I ready to release that no longer serves me?

How can I improve my relationship with (person)
Is there a karmic lessons or connection with (person)
How can I attract supportive and loving relationships?

What career path would align best with my soul's purpose?
Am I creating a block to my prosperity and how can I release it?
What steps are the quickest path to manifest my desires?
These are just a few examples to give you an idea of things to ask about. I suggest thinking about what is troubling you the most and where you find yourself struggling… that will give an idea of what you want clarity about and you can ask questions from that perspective!

Akashic Records