Akashic Records - How to find someone to read your Akashic Records?

You know, the Universe is constantly guiding us toward our best and highest good if we only pay attention!  Obviously, you can ask friends and family for a referral, but if they aren’t familiar with the term or experience, then you have to take the initiative to find someone you resonate with.  

Look at their website and testimonials and see if it mentions what’s most important to you.  Pay attention if something or someone pops up on your newsfeed on social media.  Look for articles that talk about the aspects that interest you personally.  We don’t all want the same things, or the same outcome so look through your eyes for what you want or need to see.

If you have a desire to get an Akashic Record Reading then trust your inner guide. You are always being guided, whether you know it or not, so you want to become an observer.  Ask and then pay attention!  

Akashic Records