Akashic Records - How to find someone to read your Akashic Records?

I would start with the same action I choose for any professional, ask my friends and family.  Recommendation from someone you know and trust is always a helpful place to begin.  As the understanding and benefits grow, more people will become familiar with Akashic Records readings and healings.  If there are no forthcoming recommendations from family and friends, the next step is to use the internet where you can limit the search to your area, or do a widespread search.  Knowing that the benefits of energy work have no limitation with distance is an important factor, though someone new to the work may wish to work in person.  Both are equally effective and it comes down to personal preferences.  As with other professionals, be sure to seek a certified professional.  Interviewing is advisable to ensure there is a connection, building trust is a factor for success!

Akashic Records