Akashic Records - What are the Akashic Records?

What are the Akashic Records?  I describe them as an Energetic Library which encompasses all aspects of life from the beginning of time.  This includes all lifetimes, planes of existence, universes, all the planets, the whole of space.  Think of the World Wide Web as this energetic library, to which your personal computer is connected.  Your computer represents you.  All information is housed under the C Drive and contains all knowledge needed to run your computer.  Your C Drive represents your Soul.  The file folders equal your conscious mind and contain thoughts, memories, events, conversations, trips, arguments, traumas, and so forth.  All these system files, support the automation of your body.  Within these hidden files are the belief systems, agreements, unconscious choices and soul contract as well as inherited issues, past lifetimes, and karma (representing your subconscious mind, or your higher self).

As a non-technical example, remember your card catalog in the library?  This catalog holds all aspects of your soul from the beginning of time, all lifetimes, planes of existence, universes, planets.  Each card you pull equals your conscious mind and contain thoughts, memories, events, conversations, trips, arguments, traumas, and so on.  These hidden aspects will be found in the “Restricted” portion of the library, and include beliefs systems, agreements, unconscious choices we make as well as inherited issues, past lifetimes, and karma.  Access is granted when your highest self knows you are ready.

Akashic Records