Quiet Mind: Finding Your Way Home

...certain deliberate combinations of mental processes result in peace of mind and open the door to an experience of spirit.

 "Most people don't know much about peace of mind. They imagine that it is comfort, or leisure, a stress-free moment, maybe a restful night's sleep, but it is more than relief. Much more. Peace of mind is a quiet mental state that makes possible the experience of "just being." This is effortless awareness, undisturbed by thought or judgment, pain or pleasure, gain or loss." - Harry Palmer in "The Avatar Path"

Join Avatar Master Derek Stottlemyer on a journey into quiet awareness. This two-hour session includes reading and discussion followed by several specialized applications of The Avatar® Course procedures for non-Avatar graduates.


Expect to feel several of the following:


  • Calming
  • Increase in Energy
  • More Focus
  • Relaxed
  • Sense of Being Alive


Participants also receive handouts with more information and exercises you can use on your own.


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The Avatar Course Meditation Discussion Higher Self Mindfulness
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